Anonymous donated $5.00

Fundraising Teams
Create a Team with your friends, whānau and workplaces to Move Your Butts and beat bowel cancer.
Want to create a team?
Create an account or Log in to your profile
To create a team, you must have created an account.
Click ‘Yes - Create a new team’
Click the dropdown for Are you fundraising in a Team? and select ‘Yes - Create a new team’
Create your team
Enter a team name, complete the rest of the form and tap the ‘Finish’ button.
Want to join a team?
Click ‘Yes - Join an existing Team’
Click the dropdown for Are you fundraising in a Team? and select ‘Yes - Join an existing Team.
Select the team name
Select a team’s name from the search results, complete the rest of the form, and tap the ‘Finish’ button.
Or do both on your page
Join or create a team on your individual page by clicking on the ‘Join or Create a team’ button.
Need some help?
Contact Grassrootz support or head to our FAQs.