We’re rewarding your mahi

Sign up to Move Your Butt this Feb, raise funds and get a free tee!

Raise $300 and claim your FREE Move Your Butt t-shirt

Score a FREE Move Your Butt t-shirt by raising just $300! Get ready to rock this awesome merch and show off your commitment to getting moving – it's that simple. Don't wait - start fundraising today and claim your tee!

Superstars need a cape or, in this case, a free tee!

As a special thank you for your mahi, we’re excited to offer an exclusive Move Your Butt t-shirt to every individual fundraiser who raises $300!

We know you’ll wear it with pride as a symbol of the impact you're having. Every step you take and every conversation you have brings us closer to our goal.

Thank you, Post Haste!

A huge shout out to Poste Haste for generously sponsoring the delivery of our Move Your Butt t-shirts. Your support helps us reach our amazing supporters across the country. We’re so grateful for your partnership and commitment to making a difference.

Top Fundraiser Prizes

Supporting patients, raising awareness, and funding research to beat bowel cancer are powerful reasons to Move Your Butt. But just in case you need an extra incentive, we've got some incredible prizes lined up for our top fundraisers!

1st Prize

Our top individual fundraiser for 2025 will WIN a 12-month black card membership at CityFitness.

2nd Prize

Our 2nd place individual fundraiser will WIN an Aqua Marina Inflatable PaddleBoard from Burnsco.

3rd Prize

Our 3rd place individual fundraiser will WIN a $500 gift voucher from Marine Deals to be used on their online store.

Join our Move Your Butt Facebook group today and enjoy weekly spot prizes in February by being part of a community where your fundraising efforts are celebrated!

A huge thanks to our spot prize sponsors.


Move your Butt and help beat Bowel Cancer.