Move Your Butt to beat bowel cancer

Walk 100km throughout February for the 100 Kiwis who die from bowel cancer every month


How to get your butt into gear 

Sign Up

Sign up for free and make your pledge to walk 100km for the 100 Kiwis who die from bowel cancer every month.

Raise funds

Share your challenge and raise funds to support patients, raise awareness and fund research to beat bowel cancer.

Move Your Butt

Log your kilometres throughout February and walk in solidarity for Kiwis impacted by bowel cancer.

 Why sign up to Move Your Butt?

Help support 3,000+ Kiwis diagnosed with bowel cancer each year, as we receive no government funding. Bowel cancer is the second highest cause of cancer death in New Zealand and kills as many of us as breast and prostate cancer combined.

But, it doesn’t need to be this way - bowel cancer is 90% curable if caught early enough!

Every day, on average


Kiwis are diagnosed with bowel cancer


Kiwis will die from bowel cancer

Every month, on average


Kiwis will be diagnosed with bowel cancer


Kiwis will die from bowel cancer

 Help us, help bowel cancer patients

  1. Thanks to YOU, we’re making a difference in patients’ lives during the most challenging and difficult of times.

  2. Together, we’re helping thousands of Kiwis through:

  3. Our nurse support coordinator

  4. Free counselling and physio services

  5. Financial assistance via grocery and petrol vouchers

  6. Our online support groups and coffee club

“Thank you for your work, Bowel Cancer NZ. Lifesavers, all of you there.” ~ Brendon, from Christchurch.


You’re helping brave Kiwis battle cancer

Lisa’s story

“I remember so clearly the day I discovered something wasn’t right … I went to the toilet, and something felt weird. I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh, what was that?’ I looked at it, and there was this big blood clot on the toilet paper.”

Lisa was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer and says, “I was cut from my belly button to pubic bone…It was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced.

“I’m so glad I found out about the physio program funded by Bowel Cancer NZ for my rehab after having surgery.”

Thomas’ story

“I was diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome…(which) neatly explains why I’ve had bowel cancer twice.

At times, I am a bit despondent, wondering if I’m going to be playing “Whack-A-Mole” for the rest of my life, frantically screening for bowel and other cancers, hoping to catch them early.

“Bowel Cancer NZ very kindly referred me for counselling. This has been a tremendous help while I’m still coming to grips with everything. I’m pretty much back to living my life as I was before.”

Julie’s story

When I got the diagnosis, I was naturally in shock. After the initial cry and anger, I switched into how do I make this journey my journey and not just something that I was being taken through, so …

I had shirts printed for each of my chemo sessions, so it gave me a bit of control in the process and provoked some great conversations at times. 

I also had my mantra for the hard days… ‘this too shall pass’. 

“The Bowel Cancer NZ online support group has been a tower of strength and knowledge for me.”


Join the official Facebook challenge group

Once you are all signed up, make sure to join our Mover Your Butt Facebook group, where you can engage with other fundraisers taking part in the challenge. Support and encourage each other, share ideas and fundraising tips and generally have fun!

Fundraising leaderboards


Move your Butt and help beat Bowel Cancer.